What You Need to Know about Piracetam
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What You Need to Know about Piracetam

Updated: May 3, 2019

If you've heard about Piracetam or Racetam for brain hacking purposes, you probably heard how it can eventually, help increase your mental performances. There also are many reviews of people who have taken piracetam and love the effects but lot of them don't talk about the side effects such a drug can involve.

What is Piracetam?

It is a type of nootropic. Nootropics are intellect-enhancers. They improve your brain’s functions. They influence your brain to double its glucose usage and push it to pump more energy to the rest of your body. Nootropics are still undergoing studies, and nothing has been scientifically proven yet.

The drug mainly works in the brain, specifically the central part. It claims to be able to improve your intellectual functions and heighten your senses. It also speeds up your body’s ability to recover from injuries. The drug’s effects are aggravated by metabolic functions involving ATP. It prevents any part of your brain from getting too little oxygen. It also helps neurons transfer information to the different parts of the body faster than it normally does.

Piracetam has also been called Lucetann, Oikamid, Nootropic, and many others before.

What can it do for you?

Piracetam is best used to treat mental illnesses. Its ability to influence the brain to use more glucose makes it helpful in countering Dementia as well as the diseases that usually occur with it, like the Diogenes syndrome. You could also administer it to patients suffering from aphasia. Use it as an enhancer while they do logopedic therapy. Piracetam can also minimize the effects of dyslexia on little children.

This nootropic can also be used for other purposes. Helping heal mental abilities and getting people more quality sleep is what it was mainly manufactured for, but this drug is also effective in enhancing intellectual functions like retaining a memory or gaining a new skill.

Piracetam works almost immediately after it was consumed. You should feel its peak performance after about 30 minutes to an hour.

When shouldn’t you take it?

If you have any kind of illness, it’s best to consult a doctor first before ingesting the drug. Those who have weak or damaged kidneys are usually told to drink smaller amounts. This is also the same for those who are old and those who have bowel problems.

It also shouldn’t be taken by people who have liver problems. Small and underweight kids are also prohibited from using the drug. Previous stroke or heart attack patients should steer clear of Piracetam.

In a study done in 2008, researchers Teleshova and Nenamov have concluded that Piracetam doesn’t work well with people who have learning disabilities or are intellectually challenged. It’s best to the drug away from them.

Side effects to watch out for

Here are some negative effects that might manifest in your body after drinking Piracetam:

● insomnia

● Gaining weight

● nausea

● headache

● anxiety

● vomiting

● diarrhea

● vertigo

● sleepiness

● abdominal pain

● agitation

● nervousness

There are many other side-effects that could pop up. Just be watchful of your body after you ingested Piracetam to determine if the drug agrees with you or not.

Even if one of the main benefits of taking Piracetam is solving sleep disorders, it can also affect you too much that you’ll have trouble sleeping or staying awake. It could also make you too sexually active or make it hard for you to feel excited. Depression sometimes accompanies these effects, especially the last one.

When these negative effects manifest in your body, go to a doctor immediately. Do the same if rashes, itchiness, or any form of allergy appears on your body.

There are credible studies to back up the fact the Piracetam is not harmful to your body in anyway. However, this is your health at stake here. Don’t take any chances. Before ingesting anything, consult your doctor. Don’t take this drug unless you suffer from a mental disorder that it can help fix. Just take a look at the long list of side effects listed above. They’re more than enough reasons to be careful with Piracetam.


Patients suffering from kidney problems should stay away from Piracetam. You also shouldn’t take the drug if you just got out of surgery. It might cause your cut to reopen. Piracetam is shouldn’t be administered to patients with epilepsy. It does very little for stop them and their attacks.

Once you made a habit of regularly drinking Piracetam, it’s not advisable to suddenly stop. That will give you really bad side effects. Your body’s already used to having it around, it won’t do well to suddenly be without it. Once you know that you’ll be out of therapy soon, start decreasing your dosage until you can stop completely.

Is it okay to take it while pregnant?

There’s really no study that suggests that it’s dangerous for pregnant women but there are also no studies to suggest that it’s ok. So if you’re pregnant, don’t take your chances. Just don’t take it. Pregnancies are sensitive, who knows what it can do to you and your baby.

It’s also not advisable to ingest the drug when you’re breastfeeding. It can mix into your milk and get to your baby. The drug was never administered to babies before so no one knows how it would affect them. It’s best assume the worst and prevent it from happening.

Also, take note that taking Piracetam can weaken your contraceptive. So if you’re on the pill, best abstain while you’re in therapy.

Are there other negative effects that I should know about?

Even if there’s no evidence to suggest that taking this drug can affect the way your body functions, try to play it safe and avoid driving. You should also avoid being responsible for large machines to avoid accidents.

Other negative effects include excessive nervousness, uncontrolled movements, extreme sleepiness, and depression. This is observed on people who take the Piracetam at about 1.6 gm to 15 gm a day.

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